Volume 43,Issue 9,2015 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Animal Science

Fermentation of double-low rapeseed meal by mixed solid culturing
  XIAO Meng and WANG Yuan-liang
  2015,43(9):1-8 [Abstract(2509)]  [View PDF 4.13 M (1759)]
Effects of ground-net mixed raising system on performance and health level of cherry-valley meat ducks
  XI Lei, LI Ming and WANG Yong-fen,et al
  2015,43(9):9-16 [Abstract(2560)]  [View PDF 1.12 M (2251)]
Application of next generation sequencing techniques in transcriptomics of livestock and poultry
  WANG Le-le, ZHANG Yan-jun and LI Xiao-yan,et al
  2015,43(9):17-22,30 [Abstract(2316)]  [View PDF 717.59 K (1856)]

Veterinary Medicine

Promotion of in vitro development of bovine somatic nuclear transfer embryos by PD0325901 and CHIR99021
  WU Xin-ying, SANG Yuan-kun and WANG Yong-sheng,et al
  2015,43(9):23-30 [Abstract(2458)]  [View PDF 1.72 M (2279)]
Effect of phoxim on transcriptional activities of cyclin family genes in silkworm (Bombyx mori)
  LIU Li-hua, SHEN Wei-de and LI Bing
  2015,43(9):31-35 [Abstract(2425)]  [View PDF 1.10 M (2033)]

Forestry Science

Variation of crossability and seed shape of Larix principis-rupprechtii and Larix kaempferi interspecific hybrids
  ZHANG Hong-jing, DAI Jian-feng and LIN Yan,et al
  2015,43(9):36-42 [Abstract(2276)]  [View PDF 626.86 K (2191)]
Naturalness assessment of Platycladus orientalis and mixed forests in Yan’an Suburb
  GUO Ting-dong, WANG De-xiang and WANG Tao,et al
  2015,43(9):43-50 [Abstract(2335)]  [View PDF 858.37 K (2132)]
Distributional change in suitable area of Sinowilsonia henryi Hemsl.based on Maximum Entropy Model
  ZHOU Tian-hua, QIAN Zeng-qiang and WANG Yong,et al
  2015,43(9):51-56 [Abstract(2725)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (3838)]
  LIU Kun, CAO Lin and WANG Gui-bin,et al
  2015,43(9):57-64 [Abstract(2366)]  [View PDF 2.41 M (1680)]
Diameter structural distribution of spruce-fir mixed forest in Changbai Mountain
  ZHANG Meng-tao, KANG Xin-gang and GUO Wei-wei,et al
  2015,43(9):65-72 [Abstract(2321)]  [View PDF 3.59 M (2636)]

Agriculture Science

Effects of cultivation methods on soil enzyme and dry matter accumulation and yield of spring maize in dryland
  LIU Xing-hua, WANG Qi and JIA Sheng-hai
  2015,43(9):73-81 [Abstract(2346)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (2479)]
Influence of defatting and dehulling on nutritional ingredients and protein extraction rate of kidney beans
  LIANG Shan, GAO Xiao-li and GAO Jin-feng,et al
  2015,43(9):82-88 [Abstract(2537)]  [View PDF 3.12 M (1900)]
Cloning of soybean chalcone reductase gene (chr3) and its expression in Escherichia coli
  ZHANG Chao, WANG Pi-wu and ZHANG Zhuo
  2015,43(9):89-96 [Abstract(2599)]  [View PDF 2.89 M (2239)]
Influence of climate factors in growth period on yield andquality of flue-cured tobacco in Ankang, Shaanxi
  LI Xiao-fang, ZHAO Peng and ZHANG Xiang-rong,et al
  2015,43(9):97-102 [Abstract(2484)]  [View PDF 562.10 K (2959)]
HPLC fingerprints of chemical constituents of Jingwei fu tea
  ZHANG Ning, WAN Xiao-chun and ZHOU Jie,et al
  2015,43(9):103-108,115 [Abstract(2818)]  [View PDF 2.84 M (1961)]

Plant Protection

External morphology and microstructure of compound eyes of adult Dendroctonus armandi Tsai et Li (Coleoptera:Scolytidae)
  ZHANG Xiao-yu, MA Jun-ning and CHEN Hui
  2015,43(9):109-115 [Abstract(2679)]  [View PDF 2.82 M (1938)]
Effects of 2-aryl-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-2-iums as antifungal agents on plant seed germination and seedling growth
  ZHENG Zuo-lüe, MIAO Fang and YANG Xin-juan,et al
  2015,43(9):116-122 [Abstract(2174)]  [View PDF 710.94 K (1735)]

Science of Resources and Environment

Effects of biochar and biochar-based ammonium nitrate fertilizers on soil enzyme activities
  ZHAO Jun, GENG Zeng-chao and ZHANG Wen,et al
  2015,43(9):123-130 [Abstract(2354)]  [View PDF 2.22 M (2127)]
Soil chemical properties and enzyme activities in long-term green manure plot in Loess Plateau
  PENG Ying-ping, HE Wen-xiang and WANG Zi-quan,et al
  2015,43(9):131-138,149 [Abstract(2884)]  [View PDF 820.53 K (1938)]
Effects of combined foliar Zn application with N or P on Zn accumulation of winter wheat and fertilizer utilization efficiency
  LI Hong-yun, WANG Shao-xia and LI Meng,et al
  2015,43(9):139-149 [Abstract(2259)]  [View PDF 4.36 M (2767)]

Horticulture Science

ISSR based genetic diversity of 43 Helianthus tuberosus L.
  ZHAO Meng-liang, SUN Xue-mei and WANG Li-hui,et al
  2015,43(9):150-156,177 [Abstract(2288)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (1881)]
Construction of expression vector with ZDS antisense gene and regeneration of transgenic plants of Narcissus tazetta var.Chinensis
  FENG Ying, ZHOU Xiang and PAN Teng-fei,et al
  2015,43(9):157-164 [Abstract(2194)]  [View PDF 3.01 M (1509)]
Annual growth of one year old Sinocalycanthus chinensis seedling
  JI Kai-ting, LU Jian-guo and GUO Cong-cong
  2015,43(9):165-170 [Abstract(2317)]  [View PDF 1006.52 K (2129)]

Life Science

Research progress on alkaloids from Pinellia ternata
  LIU Yong-hong, GUO Jian-hong and LIU Wen-ting,et al
  2015,43(9):171-177 [Abstract(2209)]  [View PDF 1.18 M (2277)]
Effects of space mutation on biological characteristics and rosmarinic acid content of SP1 Prunella vulgaris L.
  MA Nan, QI Zhi-hong and MAO Ren-jun,et al
  2015,43(9):178-184 [Abstract(2384)]  [View PDF 1.15 M (2146)]
Determination of amino acids in seeds of Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. by pre-column derivatization RP-HPLC
  ZHAO Yan, TANG Guo-sheng and HOU Ying-ying,et al
  2015,43(9):185-190 [Abstract(2336)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (2347)]
Expression of human hyaluronidase gene in oil body of safflower
  YANG Jing, LI Hong-rui and YI Shan-yong,et al
  2015,43(9):191-195 [Abstract(2826)]  [View PDF 1.67 M (2210)]
Study on isolation and regeneration of Qinba Cordyceps militaris protoplast
  MA Yue-teng, DU Shuang-tian and DING Jian,et al
  2015,43(9):196-202,209 [Abstract(2206)]  [View PDF 2.02 M (1849)]

Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Study on improving Improving the accuracy of free swelling ratio test
  ZHANG Wei-li, LI Yong-hong and DANG Jin-qian,et al
  2015,43(9):203-209 [Abstract(2308)]  [View PDF 710.04 K (1780)]
SWAT model based runoff simulation of Datong river basin
  WU Heng-qing, LIU Sai-yan and HUANG Qiang,et al
  2015,43(9):210-216 [Abstract(2557)]  [View PDF 3.55 M (1895)]
Effects of pioneer species’ life form on community characteristics of slope vegetation and soil and water conservation performance
  PAN Sheng-wang, YUAN Xin and HU Ming-cheng,et al
  2015,43(9):217-224 [Abstract(2286)]  [View PDF 2.92 M (1759)]
Temporal and spatial characteristics and forecasting of reference crop evaporation in Shaanxi
  SONG Yue, SU Xiao-ling and NIU Ji-ping,et al
  2015,43(9):225-234 [Abstract(2345)]  [View PDF 5.34 M (1601)]

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