Publication ethics of the Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition)


1. Responsibilities of the Journal

With promoting agricultural and forestry sciences, enhancing scientific and technological progress, and serving agricultural and forestry scientific research as the responsibility, the journal is devoted to reflecting the latest original achievements in agricultural scientific fields by covering international scientific frontiers on both theoretical exploration and practical application. The journal is committed to pursue truth, avoid publishing dishonest papers, and guarantee the punctual publication of novel researches.

2.Responsibilities of Editorial Office

The editorial office is responsible for the journal quality and aims to promote it continuously. The editorial office accepts or rejects the submissions based on the scopes of the journal, duplication check from the Academic Misconduct Literature Detection System (AMLC) of the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and comments from peer reviewers. The editorial office would timely give feedbacks, comments, and decisions to authors. The editorial office would also help the communications of readers and authors and encourages discussion and contention of different academic viewpoints.

3.Responsibility of Reviewers
    Blind refereeing processes are conducted and reviewers without interest conflicts are selected. Reviewers are required to give an objective and unbiased evaluation of the manuscript, provide clearly comments if it meets publication requirements, and report to the editorial office any misconceptions, knowledge errors, logical fallacies, suspected plagiarism, falsified data, etc.

4.Responsibility of Authors
    The authors must submit their own original work and promise no plagiarism or duplicate submissions in other journals. The data contained must be authentic, reliable, and free from being misleading or fraudulent. If mistakes are spotted or realized after the dispatch, an immediate retraction of the manuscript or calling for correction should be made. All the sources of direct or indirect citations of academic concepts, thoughts or ideas of others should be identified. All authors named on the paper must have sufficient contributions.  
5.Responsibility of Readers
   The continuous following and reading of readers is the survival, development and improvement motivation of the journal. The editorial office is grateful to any feedbacks from readers when reading publications from this journal.

6.Attitudes towards Academic Misconducts

Academic misconducts including multiple submissions, duplicate publication, plagiarism, and data falsification are prohibited. If any of the above-mentioned academic misconducts or copyright infringement is verified during the processes of submission, reviewing and publication, the editorial office reserves the rights to take measures such as requiring corrections from authors, rejection of submissions and withdrawals from relevant websites. If any of the above-mentioned academic ethical offenses or copyright infringement is verified, the retraction statement of the paper concerned will be announced in the JNAFU or its website, and its citation or recording in the relevant data bank will be subsequently erased to terminate its circulation and offset its negative effect in accordance with the behavior code for serial publication editors as stipulated in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

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