Submission guidelines

1. Registration

Registration is needed for manuscript submission. In the main page of the journal website, click “New user registration” and fill in your personal information to register. Make sure you use full address your common email and remember your password. Once registered, you can login the system to submit your manuscript.

2. Submission

Special reminder: The journal only accepts manuscripts supported by funding from provincial level agencies or above. Funding information including source, category, title and number must be included in the manuscript, or the submission will be directly rejected.

Please read the Publishing Agreement of the journal and proceed only if you agree with the content. The journal assumes that the authors have read and agreed with the Agreement for successful submissions.

Please follow the submission instructions of the Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition) when preparing and submitting your manuscripts. All submissions not meeting requirements are rejected directly without peer-reviewing.

Click the “Author log on” button on the main page of the website and type your email address and password to enter the submission page. You can successfully submit your manuscript by clicking “Submit” button after finishing all the required inputs.

The corresponding author or first author is suggested to submit the manuscript for better communication. If you prefer to suggest reviewers during submission, please make sure the suggested reviewers have senior titles. Please note the suggested reviewers are supplement to the existing expert library of more than 200 reviewers, they are not preferred default. Alternatively, you can skip the reviewer suggesting step.

If your manuscript is accepted, please join the QQ group of authors of the journal with number of 117673197 or 513328051 for later communication.

3. Checking the status of submissions

After logging on the website, you can check the manuscript directly. After the manuscript is under review, you can check the name and contact information of the handling editor at the bottom of page when you click your manuscript. You can contact the handling editor for any questions.

4. Manuscript revision

You can modify your submitted manuscript if the editorial office takes no actions. Once the manuscript is transferred to handling editor, you cannot make changes until the manuscript is returned for revision. Log in the website first with your email and password before submitting revised manuscript. Please also note:

(1) If the manuscript does not conform to the Publishing Agreement, you need modify accordingly and submit it as a new submission.

(2) If the manuscript is asked to resubmit after revision, the authors are asked to modify it carefully and submit as “Resubmission after modification”. The reviewing fees are charged again.

(3) If the manuscript is acceptable after revision, the authors can click the “Upload/download submission” sub-menu to check the comments and modifications of the handling editor in the attachment. The revised manuscript can be uploaded using the same method. If further revision is needed, the authors can find it in the page of “Revised manuscript”. Please do not submit the revised manuscript as a new submission, or it will be treated as a new submission and previous reviewing results are abandoned.

5. Modification of authors’ information

The authors’ information can be modified directly in the page of manuscript status.

6. Registration of payment information

The payment date of typesetting service fee and receiving date of manuscript fee can be registered in related items on the website.

7. Citations of the manuscript

The citations of published manuscripts can be viewed on the website of the journal. The authors are encouraged to visit often.


Your submissions are always welcome.


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the Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition)

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