Volume 37,Issue 7,2009 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Veterinary Medicine

Effects of IFN-γ on the expression of IGF-1 in Hypothalamus-Pituitary ovary-Gonad axis of early pregnant rats
  司丽芳,范光丽,赵 瑾
  2009,37(7):1-5 [Abstract(2650)]  [View PDF 776.30 K (1986)]
Distribution of synaptophysin in uterus of rats during the estrus cycle
  2009,37(7):6-10 [Abstract(2072)]  [View PDF 673.13 K (2165)]
High procaryotic expression and purification of cell intracellular region of integrin β1 and β2 subunits
  王 刚,张彦明,郭抗抗
  2009,37(7):11-15 [Abstract(2441)]  [View PDF 632.79 K (1937)]
Research on the toxicity and antibacterial activity in vitro of homemade marbofloxacin
  张玲玲,潘 安,郭 宽
  2009,37(7):16-22 [Abstract(2366)]  [View PDF 721.55 K (2761)]
Preparation of microencapsulated Lactobacillus brevis and evaluation of their characterization
  2009,37(7):23-27 [Abstract(2300)]  [View PDF 554.55 K (1995)]
Expression of influenza virus subtype H5N1 neuraminidase gene in Sf9 insect cells
  张晓东,陶 玲,王汉中
  2009,37(7):28-32 [Abstract(3101)]  [View PDF 636.25 K (2008)]
Study on the blood and tissue toxicokinetics of sodium selenite in ducklings
  武 瑞,王建发,康世良
  2009,37(7):33-38 [Abstract(2486)]  [View PDF 567.27 K (2315)]

Animal Science

Relationships between swine glycolytic potential and growth performance,carcass traits and pork quality
  2009,37(7):39-43 [Abstract(2527)]  [View PDF 457.20 K (2431)]
Molecular characterization of SRY gene HMG-box region in Inner Mongolia cashmere goat
  白文林,马 芳,尹荣焕
  2009,37(7):44-50 [Abstract(2675)]  [View PDF 770.80 K (2719)]

Agriculture Science

Search for new genes conferring resistance to SMV in soybean
  李得孝,CHEN P,Alloatti J
  2009,37(7):51-58 [Abstract(2877)]  [View PDF 324.42 K (2510)]
Cloning and characteristic analysis of DREB1 gene in Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link
  王呈玉,万 甡,翟凤艳
  2009,37(7):59-67 [Abstract(2337)]  [View PDF 1.41 M (3014)]
Research of the sensitivity of the reference crop evapotranspiration to main meteorological factors in the Guanzhong region
  2009,37(7):68-74 [Abstract(2321)]  [View PDF 713.45 K (1997)]

Forestry Science

Growth,regeneration and community structure of Pinus tabulaeformis artificial forest under different densities
  王 梅,张文辉
  2009,37(7):75-80 [Abstract(2948)]  [View PDF 603.35 K (3414)]
Effect of rewatering on activity of protect enzymes and membrane peroxidation in Robinia.pseudoacacia seedling
  薛 设,王进鑫,吉增宝
  2009,37(7):81-85 [Abstract(2647)]  [View PDF 558.10 K (2105)]
Research on a method for updating forest resources maps based on the VML technology
  2009,37(7):86-90 [Abstract(2764)]  [View PDF 664.53 K (3737)]

Horticulture Science

Relations between ascorbic acid oxidase and the development of the leaf and fruit of Cucurbita pepo L.
  2009,37(7):91-96 [Abstract(2672)]  [View PDF 616.91 K (2434)]
Effect of water stress on polyamines metabolism in leaves and roots of tomato seedlings
  2009,37(7):97-102 [Abstract(2811)]  [View PDF 642.82 K (2134)]
Allelopathy of ultrasonic extract of garlic plant on different receiver vegetable crops
  王春会,程智慧,牛 青
  2009,37(7):103-109 [Abstract(2458)]  [View PDF 605.47 K (2060)]
Optimization of fermentation conditions of tomato endophytic actinomyces Fq24
  刘永齐,刘慧平,张 姝
  2009,37(7):110-114 [Abstract(3378)]  [View PDF 504.58 K (6904)]
Study on the effect of a chemical hybridizing agent GS-1 on cabbage
  2009,37(7):115-121 [Abstract(2566)]  [View PDF 703.10 K (2122)]
Genetic performance of several traits in F1 hybrids of different cross combinations in Amaryllis vittata
  闫 芳,牛立新,原雅玲
  2009,37(7):122-128 [Abstract(3744)]  [View PDF 578.19 K (14346)]
Genetic diversity analysis of wild kiwifruit from Qinling Mountain
  魏艳霞,王 飞,吕俊辉
  2009,37(7):129-134 [Abstract(2846)]  [View PDF 867.43 K (2223)]
Application of grey Markov model on the prediction of apple yield in Shaanxi Province
  2009,37(7):135-139 [Abstract(2870)]  [View PDF 487.79 K (2275)]

Plant Protection

Enhanced antibiotic activity of Xenorhabdus nematophila by fermentation medium optimization with response surface methodology
  王永宏,张 强,张 兴
  2009,37(7):140-146 [Abstract(2756)]  [View PDF 893.46 K (2366)]
Synthesis and insecticidal activity of terpinen-4-ol ester and ether analogues
  2009,37(7):147-151 [Abstract(2790)]  [View PDF 444.33 K (2091)]
Control effect of combining biocontrol strains against Fusarium oxysporium f.sp.niveum and Verticillium dahliae
  朱海霞,马永强,卢 蒙
  2009,37(7):152-156 [Abstract(2541)]  [View PDF 621.21 K (2640)]

Food Science

Optimization of nutrient elements for the production of pinoresinol diglucoside by a strain of Phoma sp. of Eucommia ulmiodes Oliv.using response surface analysis
  刘 超,师俊玲,王 维
  2009,37(7):157-164 [Abstract(3086)]  [View PDF 996.72 K (2228)]
Optimization of conditions for liquid cultivation of the antagonistic actinomycete CCTCC M207210 to Penicillium expansum
  朱从会,师俊玲,孙 卉
  2009,37(7):165-170 [Abstract(2863)]  [View PDF 766.94 K (2132)]

Science of Resources and Environment

Effect of monochlorobenzene on soil urease activity characteristics
  2009,37(7):171-175 [Abstract(2679)]  [View PDF 476.50 K (2235)]
Population and antimicrobial effects of soil actinomycetes from the rape field in alpine cold region of Qinghai Plateau
  赵邑尘,薛泉宏,白 霜
  2009,37(7):176-182 [Abstract(2400)]  [View PDF 741.75 K (1927)]
Study on actinomycetic ecology between heathy and diseased plants'' rhizosphere with different salt contents in Xinjiang
  白 霜,薛泉宏,赵邑尘
  2009,37(7):183-190 [Abstract(2336)]  [View PDF 778.06 K (1982)]

Life Science

Effect of salicylic acid on stomatal movement and K+ current on plasma membrane of guard cell in Vicia faba L.
  2009,37(7):191-198 [Abstract(2618)]  [View PDF 868.36 K (1991)]
Study on observation of the mycorrhiza under optical and electronic microscope of six orchids
  伍建榕,吕 梅,刘婷婷
  2009,37(7):199-207 [Abstract(2913)]  [View PDF 1.72 M (4483)]
Winter roosting-sites slection of brown eared-pheasant(Crossoptilon mantchuricum) in Huanglongshan Mountains Nature Reserve,Shaanxi,China
  2009,37(7):208-212 [Abstract(2501)]  [View PDF 538.42 K (2110)]

Mechanical and Electronic Engineering

Heat-conduction of reconsolidated cotton-stalks during the hot-pressing process
  2009,37(7):213-217 [Abstract(2574)]  [View PDF 513.70 K (1979)]
Study on characteristics of the single-shaft horizontal total mixed ration mixer
  2009,37(7):218-222 [Abstract(2345)]  [View PDF 483.71 K (1848)]

Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Study on the prediction of loess collapsibility based on feature selection
  2009,37(7):223-228 [Abstract(2971)]  [View PDF 593.89 K (2032)]
Orthogonal immune clone particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application in hydropower station reservoir optimal operation
  2009,37(7):229-234 [Abstract(2242)]  [View PDF 612.73 K (1818)]

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