摘要: |
【目的】筛选用于菌根苗接种的高质量红汁乳菇菌株,为提高红汁乳菇产量提供支持。【方法】以10个红汁乳菇菌株(JH1、JH2、JH4、JH5、JH7、JH8、JH10、JH11、JH12、JH13)为研究对象,将菌株分别在PDA和BAF培养基上培养后,测定菌株生长势指标(菌丝生长速度、菌丝生物量);将红汁乳菇液体菌种接种于马尾松幼苗根部合成菌根苗,以不接种为对照(CK),培养210 d后对菌根合成能力(菌根数量、菌根侵染率、菌根化率)和宿主植物生长量(苗高、主根长、地径、干质量)进行测定。对上述9个参数进行相关性分析,并用隶属函数法对菌株性状进行综合评价。【结果】①在PDA固体培养基上,以菌株JH1菌丝生长速度最快,达到3.17 mm/d;在BAF液体培养基上,以菌株JH5的菌丝生物量最大,为3.28 g/L。②所有菌株均能与马尾松根系形成外生菌根,但菌根形态并不相同。接种红汁乳菇菌株JH5的马尾松苗的菌根数量为45.65个/株,菌根化率为90.67%,菌根侵染率为79.60%,显著高于其他9个菌株,表现出较强的合成菌根苗能力。③接种不同红汁乳菇菌株的马尾松苗,在苗高、主根长、地径和干质量等指标上表现各异。接种菌株JH4的马尾松苗高、主根长和干质量表现最优,较对照分别提高24.45%,16.72%和53.33%;接种菌株JH5的马尾松苗地径生长量表现最优,较对照提高5.19%。④相关性分析表明,菌丝生物量与菌根化率和菌根苗干质量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),菌根数量与菌根化率和菌根苗地径呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。⑤基于隶属函数法的综合评价结果表明,红汁乳菇JH5为适合培育菌根苗的最佳菌株,JH4和JH7为次优菌株。【结论】筛选出1个优良红汁乳菇菌株JH5,该菌株的生长势和菌根苗品质整体表现较好。 |
关键词: 红汁乳菇 菌根苗 菌根合成 隶属函数法 |
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基金项目:湖南省创新平台与人才计划项目(2021NK4186);湖南省重点研发计划项目(2016NK2161):湖南省林业科技计划项目(XLK201969,XLK201904) |
Selection of Lactarius hatsudake strain based on strain activities and mycorrhizal seedling quality |
TAN Yun,TAN Zhuming,SHEN Baoming,et al
Abstract: |
【Objective】The properties of Lactarius hatsudake strains were evaluated to screen high-quality strains of L.hatsudake for mycorrhizal seedling inoculation and to improve the yield of L.hatsudake plantations.【Method】Ten L.hatsudake strains (JH1,JH2,JH4,JH5,JH7,JH8,JH10,JH11,JH12 and JH13) were inoculated into PDA and BAF media to determine strain growth vigor (mycelial growth rate and mycelial biomass).The mycorrhizal synthesis ability (mycorrhizal number,mycorrhizal infestation rate and mycorrhizalisation rate) and host plant growth (seedling height,main root length,ground diameter and dry weight) were measured by inoculating L. hatsudake strains on seedlings of Pinus massoniana after 210 d.Correlation analysis and subordinate function method were used for evaluate strains comprehensively.【Result】① Among the 10 strains,JH1 had the fastest mycelial growth rate of 3.17 mm/d on PDA solid culture,and JH5 had the largest mycelial biomass of 3.28 g/L on BAF liquid culture.② All strains were able to synthesize ectomycorrhiza with P.massoniana and mycorrhizal forms were variable.When the seedlings of P.massoniana were inoculated with JH5 strain,average number of mycorrhizae,mycorrhizalization rate and mycorrhizal infestation rate were 45.65,90.67% and 79.60%,showing significantly higher ability to synthesize mycorrhiza than other strains.③ Seedlings of P.massoniana inoculated with different L.hatsudake strains performed differently in terms of seedling height,main root length,ground diameter and dry weight.Seedlings with JH4 performed best in terms of seedling height,main root length and dry weight,which were 24.45%,16.72% and 53.33% higher than the control,respectively.Seedlings inoculated with JH5 performed best in terms of ground diameter,which was 5.19% higher than to the control.④ Correlation analysis showed that mycelial biomass was significantly and positively correlated with mycorrhizal rate and dry weight of mycorrhizal seedlings (P<0.01).Mycorrhizal number was significantly and positively correlated with mycorrhizal rate and ground diameter of mycorrhizal seedlings (P<0.01).⑤ The comprehensive evaluation showed that JH5 was the best strain for cultivating mycorrhizal seedlings,while JH4 and JH7 were superior strains.【Conclusion】With better mycelial growth vigor and mycorrhizal seedling quality,JH5 was screened as excellent L.hatsudake strain. |
Key words: Lactarius hatsudake mycorrhizal seedlings mycorrhizal synthesis subordinate function method |