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宋晓敏1, 李高潮1, 张庆伟1
西北农林科技大学 园艺学院
【目的】通过对山东省苹果苗木质量的调查分析,为我国苹果苗木培育和国家苗木标准的修订提供依据。【方法】在山东省烟台市选取有代表性的苗圃采集样本31份,随机取样1 279株。按照国家苹果苗木标准规定测定苗木的侧根数、根砧长度、中间砧长度、苗木高度、苗木粗度和倾斜度,然后进行比较分析。【结果】山东省苹果苗木质量与现行国家苹果苗木标准相比,一级苗比例很低,常规苗圃较优水平下2年生乔化和3年生矮化苗比例仅分别为13.9%和8.1%,示范苗圃的比例也仅为21.5%和14.0%。按照国家3级苗木标准,常规苗圃较优水平下2年生乔化和3年生矮化苗比例分别为71.9%和87.2%,示范苗圃分别为89.3%和100.0%。生产上2年生矮化苗还占有相当比例,但其基本达不到国家1级苗木标准,常规苗圃较优水平下的2年生矮化苗木达到3级标准的比例也仅为42.9%。国家苹果苗木标准中的侧根数、根砧长度、苗木粗度等指标要求与实际生产差异较大。【结论】山东省苹果苗木质量与国家标准差距很大,苗木整体质量有待提高,国家苹果苗木标准有待修订完善。
关键词:  苹果  苗木质量  苗木标准  山东省
Quality of apple nursery in Shandong Province
【Objective】Field surveys on quality of apple nursery were carried out in Shandong Province to improve apple breeding and the revision of China national standard for apple nursery.【Method】1 279 seedlings were randomly selected as experimental materials from 31 representative apple nurseries in Yantai,Shandong Province.According to the national standard of apple nursery,the number of lateral root,length of rootstock,length of interstock,height,plant diameter and gradient were measured and analyzed.【Result】Compared with the current national seedlings standard,the quality of apple seedlings in Shandong Province was poor.The proportion of grade1 seedlings was extremely low,meanwhile the ratios of 2-year-old seedlings with vigorous rootstock and 3-year-old with dwarfing interstock were only 13.9% and 8.1% in general nursery of better level,respectively.Moreover,the percentages of these two kinds of seedlings were just 21.5% and 14.0% in demonstration nursery,which was established by research institutes.In accordance with national standard of grade 3,the proportions of 2-year-old seedlings with vigorous rootstock and 3-year-old seedlings with dwarfing interstock were merely 71.9% and 87.2% in general nursery of better level,while those were 89.3% and 100.0% in demonstration nursery.In production,2-year-old dwarf seedlings accounted for a considerable proportion,but the quality was hardly up to the grade 1 of national standard requirements,and the ratio of grade 3 was merely 42.9% in general nursery of better level.The number of lateral root,the length of rootstock and plant diameter of seedling in actual production were particularly different from those suggested in national standard.【Conclusion】There was a big difference between apple nursery quality in Shandong Province and the national standard.We suggest that the overall quality of apple nursery should be improved and the national standard of apple nursery should be further revised.
Key words:  apple  nursery quality  nursery standard  Shandong Province

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