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周 鹏1, 冯 辉1, 王 慧1
沈阳农业大学 园艺学院
【目的】 解决圆叶型菜心核基因雄性不育系的选育和利用难题。【方法】 以复等位基因遗传的柳叶型菜心核基因雄性不育系“GMS201”为不育源,在测交鉴定基因型的基础上,采用回交法转育性状,向圆叶型菜心品系“奇2”中转育核不育基因。【结果】 育成了不育株率和不育度均为100%且园艺学性状与“奇2”相近的新核不育系“GMS202”;新不育系克服了不育源材料“GMS201”花蕾条纹状白化和结籽不良的缺陷,并用其配制出2个强优势组合。【结论】 用本试验设计的核不育系转育方案,可以实现菜心雄性不育性和其他园艺学性状的同时转育。
关键词:  菜心  核基因雄性不育系  转育
Study on breeding for a genic male sterile line of round leaf Flowering Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis var.utilis Tsen et Lee)
【Objective】The study was done in order to solve the problems in the transfer and utilization of genic male sterile line in Flowering Chinese cabbage.【Method】A multiple allele inherited genic male sterile line of willow-leaf Flowering Chinese cabbage,GMS201,was used as source of male sterility,and a round leaf Flowering Chinese cabbage,“Qi 2”,was used as target strain.Backcross was applied to transfer the male sterile gene based on genotype identification though test-crossing.【Result】A round-leaf genic male sterile line,GMS202 with 100% of male sterile plants and 100% of male sterility,which was similar to “Qi 2” in horticultural characteristics,was obtained.The new male sterile line has normal seed production ability without the defects of banded albinism in the flower bud.Two excellent hybrids were developed by the new male sterile.【Conclusion】The male sterility and other horticultural characteristics in Flowering Chinese cabbage could be transferred simultaneously based on the method designed in the research.
Key words:  Flowering Chinese cabbage  genetic male sterile line  breeding

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