Volume 47,Issue 7,2019 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Animal Science

Construction of Gli2 gene adenovirus interfering vector in Qinchuan cattle
  WANG Zhengxing, LI Peiwei and WANG Hongbao,et al
  2019,47(7):1-5 [Abstract(1762)]  [View PDF 2.55 M (1307)]
Effect of cabbage slurry on intestinal development and cecum microflora of broilers
  YANG Jianping, LI Xinfeng and ZHANG Yanping,et al
  2019,47(7):6-14 [Abstract(1568)]  [View PDF 1.88 M (1387)]
Effects of supplementary Sijunzi decoction on blood physiological and biochemical indexes and digestive and absorptive functions of splenic asthenia canines
  HE Yanting, XIA Xiaodong and SHU Yingshuang,et al
  2019,47(7):15-22 [Abstract(1525)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1442)]
Effects of methionine level on growth performance and activities of digestive enzymes and protein metabolism enzymes of Rhynchocypris lagowskii Dybowski
  DUAN Jing, WU Lifang and WANG Jingyao,et al
  2019,47(7):23-31 [Abstract(1626)]  [View PDF 1.19 M (1309)]

Veterinary Medicine

Difference in protein expression between ciprofloxacin resistant strain and standard strain of Salmonella
  ZHANG Ruiliang, XU Jun and WANG Rui,et al
  2019,47(7):32-39 [Abstract(1763)]  [View PDF 1.85 M (1396)]
Inhibitory effect of PEDV M protein on type Ⅰ interferon signaling pathway
  CHEN Pan, LI Shasha and ZHU Zixiang,et al
  2019,47(7):40-46 [Abstract(1878)]  [View PDF 1.46 M (1284)]
Protective effects of alcohol extract of Patrinia villosa Juss on acute liver injury in mice induced by carbon tetrachloride
  HUANG Suhua, CHEN Tong and LIN Fang,et al
  2019,47(7):47-53 [Abstract(1687)]  [View PDF 3.61 M (1153)]
Transfection of tumor suppressor gene p53 in chicken
  LI Pengshan, LEI Xueqin and XU Tingsheng,et al
  2019,47(7):54-61 [Abstract(1495)]  [View PDF 2.61 M (1248)]

Agriculture Science

Effects of foliar spraying of 6-BA on carbohydrate transfer and allocation of maize at the reproductive stage
  YANG Xue, PENG Jing and ZHANG Mingming,et al
  2019,47(7):62-70 [Abstract(1499)]  [View PDF 3.72 M (1281)]
Variation of semi-volatile organic acids contents at different locations of flue-cured tobacco leaf
  LIU Chao, JI Xiaonan and CHEN Zeshao,et al
  2019,47(7):71-77 [Abstract(1567)]  [View PDF 2.03 M (1503)]

Forestry Science

Characteristics of forest carbon storage in Anhui based on the 8th forest inventory data
  WANG Huirong, LI Aiqin and WANG Jingjing,et al
  2019,47(7):78-86 [Abstract(1689)]  [View PDF 1015.87 K (1413)]
Nutrient characteristics of Pinus massoniana plantations and the relationship with resin yields
  AN Ning, JIA Hongyan and CHEN Honghui,et al
  2019,47(7):87-93 [Abstract(2298)]  [View PDF 1.88 M (1470)]

Horticulture Science

Effects of grafting with different rootstocks on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Xianlajiao chili pepper
  ZHANG Yongxiang, REN Miao and HONG Yintian,et al
  2019,47(7):94-101 [Abstract(1693)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1333)]
Nutritional value and antioxidant activity of walnut (Juglans sigillata) male flowers at different growing periods
  CHEN Jing, WANG Changlei and ZHANG Wene,et al
  2019,47(7):102-108 [Abstract(1764)]  [View PDF 1001.84 K (1553)]

Plant Protection

Establishment and optimization of one-step triple RT-PCR detection system of apple latent viruses
  WANG Lifang, ZHANG Yue and LIU Cong,et al
  2019,47(7):109-117 [Abstract(1601)]  [View PDF 4.18 M (1330)]
Screening of a Harposporium strain with high infectious protease activity and optimization of its fermentation conditions
  LIU Ziqing, WAN Yile and QUAN Shufen,et al
  2019,47(7):118-124 [Abstract(1839)]  [View PDF 2.51 M (1295)]
Colonization and induced resistance of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FS6 in ginseng
  WANG Xue, ZHANG Danni and WANG Chunwei,et al
  2019,47(7):125-130 [Abstract(1471)]  [View PDF 1.91 M (1384)]
Predatory performance of Agrypnus binodolus on Agriotes subvittatus (Coleoptera:Elateridae)
  FENG Lichao, SUN Jiawei and SUN Yanmei,et al
  2019,47(7):131-138 [Abstract(1580)]  [View PDF 3.15 M (1232)]
Taxonomy of fruit flies based on mathematical morphology
  DENG Zhongyi, LI Zhen and HONG Tiansheng,et al
  2019,47(7):139-146 [Abstract(1549)]  [View PDF 1.11 M (1173)]

Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Optimization of mid-long term runoff forecasting models
  SHI Jihai, SONG Songbai and LI Hang
  2019,47(7):147-154 [Abstract(1538)]  [View PDF 2.45 M (1339)]

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