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朱珊珊1, 米俊珍1, 赵宝平,等1
内蒙古农业大学 农学院
关键词:  干旱胁迫  腐植酸  燕麦  叶片光合参数  内源激素
Effects of humic acid on photosynthesis and endogenous hormones of oat under drought stress
ZHU Shanshan,MI Junzhen,ZHAO Baoping,et al
【Objective】This study investigated the effects of humic acid (HA) on photosynthetic parameters and endogenous hormones of oats leaves under drought stress,so as to provide guidance for drought resistant cultivation of oats.【Method】The oat variety of “Yanke 2” was selected for pot experiments.HA was sprayed under three water conditions of normal water supply (75% of field water capacity),moderate drought stress (45% of field water capacity) and severe drought stress (30% of field water capacity).The plant height,leaf area per plant and leaf photosynthetic parameters (photosynthetic rate (Pn),stomatal conductance (Gs),transpiration rate (Tr) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci)) and endogenous hormones (auxin (IAA),gibberellin (GA),zeatin nucleoside (ZR) and abscisic acid (ABA)) of oats after spraying HA under drought stress were studied.【Result】Oats growth was significantly inhibited under drought stress.After spraying HA,plant height and leaf area per plant of oats increased significantly.Pn,Gs and Tr in leaves increased significantly,while Ci decreased significantly.IAA,GA and ZR increased significantly,while ABA decreased significantly.Among above indexes,the effect of spraying HA under severe drought stress was the best.Pn and Tr had very significantly positive correlation with IAA,GA and ZR,and very significantly negative correlation with ABA.Ci had very significantly negative correlation with IAA.Gs had very significantly positive correlation with ZR and GA,significantly positive correlation with IAA and very significantly negative correlation with ABA.【Conclusion】Spraying HA under drought stress can delay oat senescence and promote oat growth and development by regulating photosynthetic parameters and endogenous hormone contents of oats leaves.
Key words:  drought stress  humic acid  oat  leaf photosynthetic parameters  endogenous hormones