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吕 欣1, 王 颖1, 赵德学2
1.西北农林科技大学 食品科学与工程学院;2.陕西中烟工业有限责任公司
【目的】 探索烟用增香微生物对陕西烤烟理化指标和吸食质量的影响。【方法】 采用本实验室从烟叶上分离筛选并保存的14株烟用增香微生物,通过接种微生物并在恒温恒湿条件下发酵,考察不同增香微生物对陕西烤烟烟叶理化指标及吸食质量的影响。【结果】 经增香微生物处理后,烤烟烟叶各项主要理化指标均有不同程度的改变,LBT 1.0005等菌株可使烟碱含量降低,LBT 1.0001等菌株可使总糖和还原糖含量上升,而LBT 2.0003等菌株可使烟碱含量增加,LBT 1.0005和LBT 1.0013等菌株可使总糖含量降低,LBT 2.0003可使还原糖含量降低。评吸结果表明,经微生物处理后,陕西烤烟烟叶的烟气浓度、香气量、细腻感等得以明显改善。【结论】 增香微生物接种发酵后,可明显改善烤烟烟叶的吸食品质。
关键词:  增香微生物  发酵  烤烟  烟叶品质
Primary study on the effect of microorganism inoculation on flue cured tobacoo fermentation
【Objective】The study was done to explore the effect of microorganism inoculation on low quality flue-cured tobacco leaf.【Method】14 strains,which were screened from tobacco leaf to enhance flavor of flue-cured tobacco,were inoculated on flue-cured tobacco under certain moisture and temperature to investigate the effects of the strains on chemical composition and sensory evaluation of flue-cured tobacco produced in Shaanxi Province,China.【Result】Main chemical compositions of flue-cured tobacco vary after fermentation.LBT 1.0005 can reduce the nicotine content,LBT 1.0001 can increase the concentration of total sugar and reducing sugar,while LBT 2.0003 can increase the nicotine content,LBT 1.0005 and LBT 1.0013 can reduce the concentration of total sugar,LBT 2.0003 can reduce concentration of total sugar and reducing sugar.It is shown that the quality of the flue-cured tobacco is improved significantly after fermentation by sensory evaluation method.The smoking gas concentration,aroma and smoothness of the flue-cured tobacco produced in Shaanxi Province are improved.【Conclusion】Inoculation of flavour-enhancing strains can significantly improve the quality of flue cured tobacco.
Key words:  microorganism  fermentation  flue-cured tobacco  quality of flue-cured tobacco