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胡静宜1, 杨永锋2, 刘茂林,等2
1.河南农业大学 烟草学院;2.河南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心
【目的】明确不同配打模块烟叶在打叶后片烟质量的变化规律。【方法】以河南中烟工业有限责任公司4个浓香型多等级配打模块片烟为研究对象,从常规化学成分、糖类物质、多酚类物质、非挥发性有机酸4个方面进行分析,研究不同尺寸片烟化学成分的差异。【结果】①不同配打模块中,不同尺寸片烟的还原糖、总糖、烟碱含量存在一定差异,其中>25.40 mm片烟和≤25.40~>12.70 mm片烟的常规化学成分相对较为协调。②不同配打模块中,不同尺寸片烟的葡萄糖、果糖含量和糖类物质总量存在一定差异,其中>25.40 mm片烟和≤25.40~>12.70 mm片烟的糖类物质含量较高,≤2.36 mm片烟的糖类物质含量最低。③不同配打模块中,不同尺寸片烟的绿原酸含量和多酚类物质总量存在一定差异,>25.40 mm片烟和≤25.40~>12.70 mm片烟的多酚类物质含量较高,≤2.36 mm片烟的多酚类物质含量最低。④不同配打模块中,不同尺寸片烟的草酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸含量和非挥发性有机酸总量存在一定差异,其中>25.40 mm片烟和≤25.40~>12.70 mm片烟的非挥发性有机酸含量较低,≤2.36 mm片烟的非挥发性有机酸含量最高。⑤由主成分分析可知,不同配打模块中,不同尺寸片烟主要化学成分综合得分的变化规律相同,均表现为>25.40 mm片烟得分最高,≤25.40~>12.70 mm片烟得分仅次于>25.40 mm片烟,≤2.36 mm片烟得分最低。【结论】不同尺寸片烟主要化学成分的变化规律不受地区和部位两个因素的影响,且在不同配打模块烟叶中变化规律表现一致,均以>25.40 mm片烟的化学成分最协调,综合得分最高,可将该尺寸片烟作为中高档卷烟产品的原料;≤2.36 mm片烟的内在化学品质较差,化学成分综合得分最低,在生产加工过程中可将该尺寸片烟筛分后用作烟草薄片的原料。
关键词:  烟叶  打叶复烤  配打模块  片烟尺寸  化学成分
Changes of chemical composition with different batching modules among different sizes of tobacco
HU Jingyi,YANG Yongfeng,LIU Maolin,et al
【Objective】This study determined the changes of tobacco quality after beating with different modules.【Method】Four Luzhou-flavor flue-cured tobacco modules from China Tobacco Henan Industrial Limited Corporation were selected and the chemical composition of different sizes of tobacco leaves after beating was studied from four aspects including conventional chemical composition,sugars,polyphenols and non-volatile organic acids.【Result】① There were significant differences in reducing sugar,total sugar and nicotinic contents of tobacco slices with different sizes.The chemical composition of >25.40 mm and ≤25.40->12.70 mm tobacco was relatively consistent.② There were significant differences in contents of glucose and fructose and total amount of carbohydrate in different sizes with different modules.The sugar contents of >25.40 mm and ≤25.40->12.70 mm tobacco were higher,and that of ≤2.36 mm tobacco was the lowest.③ There were significant differences in chlorogenic acid content and total polyphenolic substances of different sizes in different batching modules.The content of polyphenols in tobacco was higher in the range of >25.40 mm and ≤25.40->12.70 mm,and that in tobacco ≤2.36 mm was the lowest.④ The contents of oxalic acid,malic acid,citric acid and total non volatile organic acid of different sizes of tobacco tablets in different modules were significantly different.The content of non-volatile organic acids in tobacco was lower in the range of >25.40 mm and ≤25.40->12.70 mm,and that in tobacco ≤2.36 mm was the highest.⑤ From the principal component analysis,the comprehensive score of main chemical components of tobacco leaves with different packaging modules had same changing pattern with different tobacco sizes.The tobacco with >25.40 mm had the highest score,followed by ≤25.40->12.70 mm,while tobacco with ≤2.36 mm had the lowest score.【Conclusion】The changes of main chemical components in tobacco leaves with different sizes after leaf beating were not affected by region,module and position.The slice of >25.40 mm was the most harmonious with the highest comprehensive score,which can be used for medium and high-grade cigarettes.The internal chemical quality of ≤2.36 mm slice was poor with the lowest comprehensive score,which can be used for tobacco flakes after screening.
Key words:  tobacco  tobacco threshing and redrying  batching module  strip size  chemical component