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梁 尧1, 蔡红光1, 袁静超,等1
吉林省农业科学院 农业资源与环境研究所/农业部 东北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室
【目的】阐明深松结合不同施肥方式对东北春玉米根系时空分布特征的影响。【方法】2011-2012年,采用2年田间定位试验,设置常规模式(农民习惯栽培模式,对照,T1)、深松模式(T2)、深松+氮肥深追模式(T3)、深松+氮肥深追+增施有机肥模式(综合培肥模式,T4)4个处理,在玉米主要生育期采集0~10,10~20,20~30,30~40,40~60 cm土层根系样品,利用WinRhizo根系分析系统获取根长、根表面积与根系平均直径,同时测定各生育期玉米根系干质量及成熟期籽粒产量与地上干物质量。【结果】2011-2012年,随着生育进程的推进,玉米的根系干质量、根长、根表面积均呈先增加后降低的单峰曲线变化,并在吐丝期达到最大值;根系平均直径总体呈现缓慢增加或保持平稳的变化趋势。不同处理对各生育期玉米的根系干质量、根表面积和根长有着不同程度的影响,以吐丝后期各指标的变幅较为明显,但各指标年际间的差异并不显著。与常规处理相比,深松处理对根系干质量、根长及根表面积的影响并不显著;深松+氮肥深追处理对根系生长的促进作用主要集中于吐丝期之后,而综合培肥处理从6展叶期起对根系生长就有显著的促进作用,总根系干质量、总根长及总根表面积显著增加,根系平均直径大幅度降低。在各生育期,根系干质量、根长、根表面积和根系平均直径随着土层深度的增加呈现逐渐降低并趋于平缓的变化趋势,其中深层(30~40和40~60 cm)土壤中的根系生长对深松+氮肥深追与综合培肥处理的响应较为敏感,特别是综合培肥处理各指标的变化更为显著,在成熟期,与常规处理相比,综合培肥处理30~40和40~60 cm土层根系干质量的增幅分别为91%和72%,根长的增幅分别为68%和130%,根表面积的增幅分别为128%和87%。2011-2012年,与常规处理相比,深松处理对玉米籽粒产量和地上干物质量的影响不显著,深松+氮肥深追处理和综合培肥处理玉米籽粒产量及地上干物质量显著增加,增幅分别为8.92%,16.1%和9.21%,17.7%。【结论】深松配合氮肥深追有利于根系干质量的增加,促进了根系纵深分布,并获得了较高的玉米产量。在此基础上增施有机肥对玉米根系生长的促进作用更为显著,更有利于根系干物质的积累与“纵向延伸”根系构型的形成,从而保证了其更高的玉米产量。
关键词:  春玉米  根系分布  施肥方式
Effect of subsoiling combined with different soil amendment practices on temporal and spatial distribution of spring maize roots
LIANG Yao,CAI Hongguang,YUAN Jingchao,et al
【Objective】The objective of this study was to understand the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of spring maize roots affected by subsoiling combined with different soil amendment treatments,which would provide support for evaluating integrated soil management practices.【Method】A two-year field experiment (2011 and 2012) was conducted with four treatments,including common practice (the cultivation pattern used by farmers,CK,T1),subsoiling (T2),subsoiling with nitrogen fertilizer supplemented in deep soil (T3),and integrated practices (subsoiling plus nitrogen fertilizer supplemented in deep soil and organic manure amendment,T4).Roots samples distributed in 0-10,10-20,20-30,30-40 and 40-60 cm soil profiles were collected at the main growth stages.The root analysis system WinRhizo was used to determine root length,area and diameter,and root dry weight at main growth stages,and grain yields,aboveground biomass of maize at harvest stage were also investigated.【Result】In 2011 and 2012,root dry weight,root length and root area at main growth stages firstly increased and then decreased with the highest values at tasseling stage.The average root diameter showed slow increase or no change.Root dry weight,root length and root area at main growth stages were affected by different soil amendment treatments.The changes were significant at tasseling stage,but inter annual variations were not significant.Compared with T1,root dry weight,length and area of T2 were not significantly changed,T3 treatment increased root dry weight,length and area while decreased average root diameter after tasseling stage,and T4 treatments significantly increased these parameters since the six-leaf stage.The root dry weight,root length,root area and average root diameter at main growth stages gradually decreased and then flattened with increase of soil depth.Roots distributed at soil layers of 30-40 cm and 40-60 cm responded sensitively to T3 and T4 treatments.At mature stage,compared with T1,root dry weight at two soil layers of 30-40 cm and 40-60 cm in the T4 treatment increased by 91% and 72%,root length increased by 68% and 130%,and root area increased by 128% and 87%,respectively.In 2011 and 2012,compared with T1,grain yield was not significantly changed in T2,but increased by 8.92%,16.1% and 9.21%,17.7% in T3 and T4,respectively.【Conclusion】Combination of subsoiling and nitrogen fertilizer supplemented in deep soil improved root development and promoted root distribution,resulting in high grain yield of spring maize.Better performance of root weight,root distribution and grain yield were obtained by adding organic manure application in the soil amendment practice.
Key words:  spring maize  root distribution  soil amendment