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常 玮1, 王 娟1, 于 洋,等1
南阳师范学院 农业工程学院
关键词:  大豆  NUDX基因家族  增变基因  系统进化  表达模式
Genome wide analysis of soybean NUDX gene family
CHANG Wei,WANG Juan,YU Yang,et al
【Objective】In this study,the DNA sequences of soybean genome Wm82.a2.v1 and AtNUDXs were used to identify GmNUDXs in soybean genome.【Method】The NUDXs protein sequences of different plants were compared,the conserved structural characteristics were analyzed and the proteins with same structure were analyzed by matching against the soybean genome database (Wm82.a2.v1).Then,the molecular weight and putative sub-cellular localization of each gene were calculated using online programs ProtParam,TargetP1 and WoLF-PSORT.The phylogenetic tree was generated by MEGA5.1 based on the multiple sequence alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of all GmNUDXs.At last,the expression patterns of NUDX genes were determined in soybean tissues based on public transcriptome data.【Result】A total of 69 NUDX genes located on all the 20 chromosomes were identified in this study.Fifty six of them encoded proteins with a single nudix hydrolase domain (NHD).The phylogenetic analysis showed that most of the predicted GmNUDXs clustered together in pairs,reflecting the ancient genome duplication event.The expression analysis demonstrated that the expression pattern of most GmNUDXs did not exhibit tissue specificity,but showed a significant abundance variation.Out of the 69 GmNUDXs,24 had high expression abundance,26 were in medium abundance,and 10 were in low abundance.Nine predicted GmNUDXs contained no sequence included in the study.【Conclusion】A total of 69 GmNUDXs on all the 20 chromosomes were identified in this study.Sixty of them were expressed in all tissues,suggesting their versatile role in soybean.
Key words:  soybean  NUDX gene family  mutator  phylogenetic  expression pattern