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罗瑜清1,2, 洪添胜2,3, 李 震,等2,3
1.华南理工大学广州学院 电气工程学院;2.南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室;3.国家柑橘产业技术体系机械研究室
【目的】 研制一种山地果园电动单轨运输机的控制装置,以提高单轨运输机的智能性和安全性,实现其自动控制。【方法】基于单片机、直流电动机、无线通信模块等设计蓄电池驱动的山地果园单轨运输机的控制装置,通过模拟山地果园地形,分别对控制装置的行驶速度调节、制动性能及系统功耗进行测试。【结果】电动山地果园单轨运输机的控制装置由单片机、供电单元、直流电动机、直流电动机驱动模块、制动模块、行驶速度调节模块、无线通信模块、手动控制按键及限位停车模块组成。模拟测试结果表明:单轨运输机的行驶速度可实现0.1~0.6 m/s内的加减速调节控制;单轨运输机的行驶速度随着装载质量的增加而逐渐变小;当单轨运输机在39°坡下坡行驶时,通过测速电路控制电磁式失电制动器,能有效解决单轨运输机行驶速度超出安全速度的问题。经连续1个月的实际测试,限位停车控制模块能够实现单轨运输机的及时停车,其可靠性达100%,手动按键及无线遥控均能实现单轨运输机的有效控制,无线遥控最大可靠距离为450 m,控制装置响应时间约为2 s。【结论】所设计的控制装置运行稳定可靠,能满足单轨运输机智能性、安全性和自制性的预期设计要求。
关键词:  山地果园  单轨运输机  控制装置  速度控制
基金项目:广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划项目(YQ2013028);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-27);国家公益性行业(农业) 科研专项(200903023)
Development of control device for an electric drive monorail vehicle in mountain orchard
LUO Yu-qing,HONG Tian-sheng,LI Zhen,et al
【Objective】In this paper,an automatic control device of electric drive monorail vehicle for mountain orchards was designed to increase the intelligent and safe level.【Method】The control device for battery-driven monorail vehicle of mountain orchard was designed based on micro controller,DC motor,wireless communication module and so on.The whole system was tested within a monorail which simulated the landscape of actual citrus orchards.Experiments of speed controlling,reliability of the brake controlling and power consumption were carried out,respectively.【Result】The control device included micro controller,power supplying circuit,DC motor and its driving module,brake control module,speed control module,wireless communication module,manual control panel and distance-limited parking module.Traveling velocity of monorail vehicles can be adjusted within the range of 0.1-0.6 m/s.The speed of monorail vehicle going downhill (slope of 39°) was controlled by its automatic braking control module.Further test was conducted in actual application for one consecutive month,and the results showed that the monorail vehicle can be stopped by this braking module,proving that the reliability was up to 100%.The longest communication reached 450 m with a response time of 2 s.【Conclusion】The designed control device met the demand of mountain citrus application.
Key words:  mountain orchard  monorail vehicle  control device  speed control