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杨 芳1
安康学院 农学与生命科学院,陕西省富硒食品工程实验室
【目的】探究魔芋葡甘聚糖(Konjac glucomannan,KGM)对大鼠酒精性脂肪肝的预防作用。【方法】将雄性SD大鼠随机分成空白对照组、酒精肝模型组、饮用酒精+质量分数5% KGM组、饮用酒精+质量分数10% KGM组、饮用酒精+质量分数10%谷胱甘肽(GSH)组,进行为期12周的饲养试验,期间观察大鼠被毛、活动、饮食等一般情况,试验结束时称体质量,并采集血清及肝脏样品,测定其血清谷丙转氨酶(Alanine aminotransferase,ALT)、谷草转氨酶(Aspartate aminotransferase,AST)、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-glutamyl transpeptidase,γ-GT)的活性;同时观察大鼠肝脏组织形态学改变,进行肝脏脂肪变性程度评分。【结果】12周试验结束后,KGM预防组大鼠的一般状态比酒精肝模型组好,毛色更光滑,体质量增长更快,差异显著(P<0.05);与酒精肝模型组相比,空白对照组及3个干预组ALT、AST、γ-GT活性均显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)降低;与酒精肝模型组比较,KGM干预组肝脏脂肪性病理改变明显减轻,肝脏脂肪变性程度评分极显著降低(P<0.01),而与GSH预防组比较则无显著差异。【结论】由血清肝脏酶学及肝脏组织学分析结果可知,KGM对酒精性脂肪肝有一定的预防作用。
关键词:  大鼠  酒精型脂肪肝  葡甘聚糖  预防
Study on the preventive effect of KGM on the rat with alcoholic fatty liver
【Objective】The study was done to analyze the preventive effect of KGM on alcoholic fatty liver(AFL).【Method】The male SD rats were divided into five groups,namely control group,drinking alcohol group,5% KGM preventive group,10% KGM preventive group,10% GSH preventive group.During the twelve weeks of experiment,rat hair,activity,and diet were observed.Body weight was weighed at the end of the test.The rat serum ALT,AST,γ-GT levels were evaluated using an assay kit and histopathology of liver tissue in rats was observed.【Result】After 12 weeks,the body weight of three prevention group rats grew faster than drinking alcohol group (P<0.05).KGM could reduce the activity of serum ALT,AST and γ-GT,which had statistically significant differences (P<0.05) or very significant difference (P<0.01)with rats of drinking alcohol group.There was a very significant difference (P<0.01)between preventive group rats and rats of drinking alcohol group which had hepatic steatosis,organization of local inflammation and necrosis.ALT,AST,γ-GT,and liver index had no statistically significant differences between KGM preventive group and GSH preventive group.【Conclusion】KGM could reduce the activity of serum ALT,AST and γ-GT.The KGM in alcohol continuing role is still effective in the prevention of the occurrence of AFL.Its preventive effect is similar to GSH.
Key words:  rat  alcoholic fatty liver  KGM  prevention