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吴智泉1, 罗久富2,3, 罗忠新2,3, 李培铨2,3, 隋欣2,3
1.国家电投云南国际电力投资有限公司,云南 昆明 650228;2.中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038;3.国家水电可持续发展研究中心,北京 100038
【目的】探讨光伏遮阴对花生产量和品质的影响。【方法】以云南干热河谷光伏电站为试验区,检测全光照对照区、光伏阵列行间、光伏组件下方光合有效辐射、土壤温度、土壤湿度等微生境指标,并测定花生单株结荚数、分枝数、根瘤数、主茎粗度、荚果长度、荚果宽度、荚果厚度、荚果质量、百仁质量等农艺性状和花生粗蛋白、直链淀粉、粗脂肪含量等品质指标,分析光伏遮阴对花生产量和品质的影响。【结果】与全光照对照区相比,光伏阵列行间光合有效辐射降低了28.67%,土壤温度降低了2.12 ℃,土壤湿度增加了6.40个百分点;光伏组件下方光合有效辐射降低了95.22%,土壤温度降低了4.21 ℃,土壤湿度增加了21.01个百分点。与全光照对照区相比,光伏组件下方花生分枝数、根瘤数、单株结荚数、荚果质量、百仁质量、荚果长度、荚果宽度、荚果厚度显著或极显著降低,其中单株结荚数降低了61.09%,百仁质量降低了46.23%;直链淀粉含量显著增加了27.02%。光伏阵列行间花生分枝数、根瘤数、单株结荚数、荚果质量、百仁质量和粗蛋白含量等均显著或极显著高于全光照对照区,其中单株结荚数增加了68.33%,百仁质量增加了34.32%,粗蛋白含量增加了19.82%;直链淀粉含量极显著降低了20.64%。【结论】光伏阵列行间花生产量、品质、食味品质均得到显著提升,光伏组件下方花生产量和品质均降低。据此,进一步筛选适宜光伏组件下方生境的典型耐阴或喜阴作物,与光伏阵列行间适生作物间作,有效利用光资源、改善下垫面环境、提高土地产出率。
关键词:  光伏遮阴  生态脆弱区  农艺性状  花生  云南干热河谷
Effect of photovoltaic shading on peanut yield and quality in dry-hot valley area of Yunnan
WU Zhiquan1, LUO Jiufu2,3, LUO Zhongxin2,3, LI Peiquan2,3, SUI Xin2,3
1.SPIC Yunnan International Power Investment Co.Ltd.,Kunming,Yunnan 650228,China;2.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100038,China;3.National Research Center for Sustainable Hydropower Development,Beijing 100038,China
【Objective】This study aimed to quantify the effects of photovoltaic panel shading on peanut yield and quality.【Method】The micro-habitat features including photosynthetically active radiation,soil temperature,soil moisture,as well as 12 peanut agronomic traits and quality indices,namely number of pods per plant,branches per plant,root nodule number,main stem thickness,pod length,pod width,pod mass,100-kernel mass,crude protein content,amylose content and crude fat content in full sunlight zone (CK),under panels (UP) and inter panels (IP) in the dry-hot valley of Yunnan were monitored.Then,the effects of shading on peanut yield and quality were analyzed.【Result】Compared with CK,photovoltaic panel shading significantly reduced photosynthetically active radiation intensity (28.67% reduction in IP and 95.22% reduction in UP) and surface soil temperature (2.12 ℃ reduction in IP and 4.21 ℃ reduction in UP),whereas increased surface soil moisture (6.40 percentage point increase in IP and 21.01 percentage point increase in UP).Peanut branches,root nodule number,pod number per plant,pod mass,100-kernel mass,pod length,pod width and pod thickness decreased significantly in UP.In especial,pod number per plant was decreased by 61.09%,100-kernel mass was decreased by 46.23%,and amylose was significantly increased by 27.02%.On the contrary,branches,nodule number,pod number per plant,pod mass,100-kernel mass and crude protein of IP peanuts were significantly higher than those in CK.Specially,pod number per plant was increased by 68.33%,100-kernel mass was increased by 34.32%,crude protein content was increased by 19.82%,while amylose was significantly decreased by 20.64%.【Conclusion】Yield,quality and taste quality of peanuts in IP were improved significantly,while they were suppressed in UP.Selecting typical shade-tolerant crops that adapt to the micro-habitat in UP and collocating with crops in IP could effectively utilize light resources,improve underlying surface environment and increase land yield in dry-hot valley areas.
Key words:  photovoltaic shading  ecologically fragile area  agronomic traits  peanut  dry-hot valley area of Yunnan Province