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陈 童1, 常安定1, 李江杰,等1
长安大学 理学院
关键词:  含水层参数  泰斯公式  差分进化算法  自适应差分进化算法
Application of adaptive differential evolution algorithm in reversing aquifer parameters
CHEN Tong,CHANG Anding,LI Jiangjie,et al
【Objective】This study researched the applicability of adaptive differential evolution algorithm in reversing aquifer parameters.【Method】Taking the mean of square summation of deviations between theoretical and observed values as the objective function,an adaptive differential evolution algorithm was applied to optimize the estimation of aquifer parameters.Based on related examples,it was compared with the adaptive differential evolution algorithm,improved linear graph algorithm,chaotic sequence optimization algorithm,simplified algorithm,Tess matching method,and linear regression method.【Result】The calculation results of adaptive differential evolution algorithm had small difference with actual observations and were more accurate than those of improved linear graphic method,chaotic sequence optimization algorithm,simple algorithm,Tess wiring method and linear regression method.Adaptive differential evolution algorithm had the advantages of high stabilization,high optimal rate and high calculation accuracy for different ranges of aquifer parameters.【Conclusion】The adaptive differential evolution algorithm is an effective method to reverse aquifer parameters.
Key words:  aquifer parameters  Tess formula  differential evolution algorithm  adaptive differential evolution algorithm