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杨芳芳1, 李彩凤1, 刘 丹,等1
东北农业大学 农学院
【目的】研究有机肥施用水平对混合盐碱胁迫甜菜生长、光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响,为应用有机肥改良盐碱土壤及提高作物产量提供参考。【方法】以甜菜品种KWS0143为材料,采用盆栽模拟盐碱土胁迫,将 NaCl、Na2SO4、NaHCO3、Na2CO3以物质的量比2∶1∶4∶2混合后拌入盆栽桶中的12 kg风干土壤中,使混合物中Na占土壤质量的0.88%。试验共设6个处理,分别为CK(不施肥对照)、S(加盐碱)、SF1(盐碱+1 500 kg/hm2有机肥)、SF2(盐碱+2 250 kg/hm2有机肥)、SF3(盐碱+3 000 kg/hm2有机肥)和SF4 (盐碱+3 750 kg/hm2有机肥),待第3对真叶完全展开后采样测定各处理甜菜叶片光合色素含量、光合特性指标、叶绿素荧光参数及植株干质量、根冠比和产量等指标。【结果】盐碱胁迫下施有机肥能有效改善甜菜叶片的气体交换参数(Pn、Gs、ECi),提高叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素及Fv/Fm、Yield(Ⅱ)、qP和表现电子传递速率(ETR),降低非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)。随有机肥施肥量的增加,甜菜叶片除NPQ呈先降后升趋势外,上述其余指标及干物质量、根冠比、块根产量和产糖量均呈先增后降趋势,其中以施用3 000 kg/hm2有机肥处理的表现最佳。【结论】施加有机肥可明显提高甜菜叶片叶绿素含量,改善甜菜的光合特性和叶绿素荧光特性,缓解盐碱胁迫的伤害,增加干物质积累量,提高产量与产糖量,且以3 000 kg/hm2有机肥处理效果最佳。
关键词:  甜菜  盐碱胁迫  有机肥  光合特性  叶绿素荧光参数
Effects of organic fertilizer on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of sugar beet under mixed saline alkali stress
YANG Fangfang,LI Caifeng,LIU Dan,et al
【Objective】The effects of different levels of organic fertilizer on growth,photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of sugar beet under mixed salt and alkali stress were studied to provide references for improving saline alkali soil.【Method】The sugar beet cultivar KWS0143 was selected and saline alkali soil environment was simulated by a pot experiment.NaCl,Na2SO4,NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 were mixed with the proportion of 2∶1∶4∶2 and Na percentage in soil mass was 0.88%.There were 6 treatments including CK (no fertilizer),S (saline alkali),SF1 (saline alkali+1 500 kg/hm2 organic fertilizer),SF2 (saline alkali+2 250 kg/hm2 organic fertilizer,SF3 (saline alkali+3 000 kg/hm2 organic fertilizer),and SF4 (saline alkali+3 750 kg/hm2 organic fertilizer).The photosynthetic pigment content,photosynthesis,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,dry weight,root/shoot ratio and yield of sugar beet were measured and analyzed.【Result】Under saline alkali stress,the application of organic fertilizer could significantly (P<0.05) improve gas exchange parameters of blade (Pn,Gs,E and Ci),chlorophyll content,Fv/Fm,Yield(Ⅱ),qP,ETR,dry biomass,root shoot ratio,root yield and sugar content,while decrease NPQ of sugar beet.With the increase of organic fertilizer concentration,above indexes of leaves firstly increased and then decreased,except for NPQ.Dry biomass,root shoot ratio and yield also increased followed by decrease.All indicators performed the best with the 3 000 kg/hm2 organic fertilizer treatment.【Conclusion】Applying organic fertilizer could significantly increase chlorophyll content,improve photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics,ease stress injury,and increase dry matter accumulation,yield and sugar content of suger beet.The treatment of 3 000 kg/hm2 was the best.
Key words:  sugar beet  saline alkali stress  organic fertilizer  photosynthetic characteristics  chlorophyll fluorescence parameters