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吴亚召1, 张文隽1, 雷 萍,等1
【目的】研究3株茶树菇菌株栽培过程中7种胞外酶活性的变化规律,了解茶树菇在不同生长发育阶段利用营养物质的规律。【方法】以茶树菇菌株ZK08、JX09、Ag16为材料,将其接种于组分为棉籽壳39%、木屑30%、麸皮20%、玉米粉8%、蔗糖1.5%、石膏1.5%(均为质量分数),含水量62%的栽培袋中。25 ℃条件下遮光培养50~60 d,分别在菌丝生长半袋、满袋、现蕾、出一潮菇、一潮菇子实体成熟、出二潮菇、二潮菇子实体成熟和二潮菇采收1周后,测定羧甲基纤维素酶、淀粉酶、滤纸纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、漆酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶的活性,分析其活性变化规律。【结果】3株茶树菇菌株在栽培过程中的7种胞外酶活性变化规律基本一致,但表现出明显的阶段性。其中淀粉酶、羧甲基纤维素酶、滤纸纤维素酶、半纤维素酶活性均表现出先升后降的趋势,峰值出现在一潮菇子实体成熟前;而漆酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性则随着栽培时间延长一直呈下降趋势。【结论】漆酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶的高峰值比羧甲基纤维素酶、半纤维素酶来得早;淀粉酶的高峰出现在一潮幼菇期到子实体成熟期。因此在培养基中添加适量淀粉类物质可促进茶树菇的生殖发育。
关键词:  茶树菇  生长发育  胞外酶活性
Changes of extracellular enzymes activities during development of Agrocybe aegerita
WU Yazhao,ZHANG Wenjun,LEI Ping,et al
【Objective】We studied the changes in activities of seven extracellular enzymes during the cultivation of three different Agrocybe aegerita strains and studied the utilization of nutrients at different growth stages to provide basis for selection of high yield cultivation substrate.【Method】Strains ZK08,JX09 and Ag16 were cultured in bags consisted of cotton seed hulls 39%,sawdust 30%,bran 20%,corn flour 8%,sucrose 1.5%,gypsum 1.5%,and water 62%.They were cultured at 25 ℃ under shade for 50-60 d.The activities of enzymes including carboxymethyl cellulase,amylase,filter paper cellulase,hemicellulase,laccase,polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase at different growth stages including hypha growing half bag,full bag,budding,first mushroom,fruiting bodies mature of first mushroom,second fruiting bodies mature of the second mushroom and one week after picking second mushroom were measured and analyzed.【Result】The three Agrolybe aegerita strains had basically same changes in activities of extracellular enzyme with obvious stage characteristics.The activities of amylase,carboxymethyl cellulase,filter cellulase and hemicellulase increased first with peaks before the maturing of first fruiting body and then decreased.Activities of laccase,polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase presented downward trend along with the cultivation time.【Conclusion】The peak values of laccase,polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activates appeared earlier than that of carboxymethyl celluase and hemicellulase.The peak of amylase occurred at stages from first young mushroom to the mature of first fruiting body.So the addition of starch in medium can promote the reproductive development of tea mushroom.
Key words:  Agrocybe aegerita  growth and development  extracellular enzyme activity