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杨建虎1, 甄学渊2, 雷卫斌3
1.西安建筑科技大学 艺术学院;2.西北农林科技大学 林学院;3.陕西省西安植物园 植物多样性研究室
关键词:  乔木树种  区系成分  观赏特点  陕南地区
Diversity of arbor trees in Southern Shaanxi
YANG Jian-hu,ZHEN Xue-yuan,LEI Wei-bin,et al
【Objective】This study investigated wild arbor tree resources in Southern Shaanxi to support the proper exploitation and utilization of wild plants in this area.【Method】Sample plot method and line intercept method were adopted to study the families/genera,floristic elements,and ornamental characteristics of arbor trees in Southern Shaanxi.【Result】(1) A total of 344 species belonging to 57 families and 139 genera were found in Southern Shaanxi,including 83 evergreen arbor trees and 261 deciduous arbor trees (7 monocotyledons and 337 dicotyledons).Among all the wild plants,dominant families consisted of Aceraceae,Rosaceae,Fagaceae and Betulaceae,and the dominant genera were Acer,Prunus,Quercus and Carpinus.(2) Arbor trees genera in this area could be divided into 11 regional types.The cosmopolitan floristic elements were the highest,accounting for 28.06% of the total.(3) There were five arbor trees ornamental types.Leaf ornamentals,flower ornamentals,crown ornamentals,trunk ornamentals,and fruit ornamentals accounted for 28.49%,25.58%,21.51%,13.95%,and 10.47%,respectively.【Conclusion】Wild arbor tree resources in Southern Shaanxi were rich with great potential for exploitation. They could be scientifically introduced to landscape field to enrich the diversity of urban landscape plants.
Key words:  arbor trees  floristic elements  ornamental value  Southern Shaanxi