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金学洋1, 李宗利1
西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院
关键词:  浅埋黄土隧洞  施工工序  数值分析  围岩稳定
Numerical simulation of excavation of loess shallow-buried tunnel
【Objective】 Loess shallow buried tunnel is characterized with thin soil layer and poor stability,especially the fast developed deformation at the early excavation stage which is subject to collapse.The excavating process of tunnel under different construction working procedures with FEM was simulated,a more reasonable one was obtained by comparing the construction process to guide engineering construction.【Method】 ADINA was adopted to analyze the construction working procedure with upwards and downwards excavating steps based on the geological conditions of a domestic tunnel project,and the stress,strain and yielding areas and displacement,etc.of surrounding rock were analyzed during two construction process.【Result】 Analysis of the construction process showed that arch feet compress stress of upwards was 1.5 times of downwards excavating process,and for vault displacement and yield areas upwards was more than downwards.【Conclusion】 The results show that although the depth of the loess tunnel is relatively shallow,the cross section is relatively larger,it is stable when excavated with the two working procedures.
Key words:  loess shallow-buried tunnel  construction working procedure  numerical simulation  stability of surrounding rock