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龙书生1, 李亚玲1, 时春喜1
西北农林科技大学 植物保护学院 教育部植保资源与害虫管理重点实验室
就玉米茎秆蔗糖含量与玉米对由禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)引起的茎腐病(corn stalk rot)的抗性间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,在玉米生理成熟期地上第二茎间髓部组织内蔗糖的含量与玉米对茎腐病的抗性密切相关,抗病的玉米杂交种的蔗糖含量明显高于感病的玉米杂交种。蔗糖含量与茎腐病的发病率呈显著的负相关关系。研究结果表明,在生理成熟期地上第二茎间髓部组织内蔗糖含量可作为选育抗镰刀菌茎腐病玉米杂交种的生化指标。
关键词:  蔗糖含量  抗病性  玉米茎腐病  禾谷镰刀菌
Relationships between sucrose content and resistance of corn to stalk rot
The relationship between sucrose content and corn resistance to corn stalk rot caused by Fusarium graminearum was investigated.The incidence of corn stalk rot was closely related to sucrose content in the pith tissues of the second internode above the ground at the physiological maturity stage.Corn hybrids resistant to stalk rot had higher sucrose contents in the pith tissues of the second internode above the ground than hybrids susceptible to the disease.In addition,disease incidence was negatively correlated with sucrose content in the pith tissues of the second internode above the ground at the physiological maturity stage. The results suggested that sucrose content could be used as an indicator of corn stalk rot resistance and for selecting corn hybrids for resistance to corn stalk rot.
Key words:  sucrose content  resistance  corn stalk rot  Fusarium graminearum